google-site-verification: google42bfb6535dcc5df3.html • School holiday classes: Children’s cooking classes that are affordable and fun

Thursday 23 January 2014

Children’s cooking classes that are affordable and fun

Enrolling your child in a cooking class is a great way for them to be creative and learn new concepts. Cooking is considered to be one of the most enjoyable activities among people all around the world. If you child is already interested in the art of cooking, you may want to consider enrolling him or her in a more advanced cooking class. The classes at the Real Food Academy are specifically designed to help kids learn about preparing healthy food. Learning the important aspects of cooking at a young age is important for growth and development. Thanks to Chef Maria, any child can learn to cook healthy meals in a fun, engaging environment.

If you live in the Miami Shores area, then you no longer have to search for a reputable cooking course for your child. The Real Food Academy provides a wide range of activities for kids, including cooking classes, spa days, and birthday parties. Their children cooking classes are offered at an unbeatable price, and are extremely effective in getting children motivated to learn.

Chef Maria has had years of experience teaching young children how to cook in after school programs. If you are looking for classes that involve cooking with kids in the Miami area, the Real Food Academy offers several opportunities for kids to enjoyably learn nutrition, culinary skills, and more. The Real Food Academy offers some of the most effective culinary classes in Miami. Their team of cooks are professional and friendly. They focus on facilitating teamwork between classmates so that the most amount of learning can happen.

The Real Food Academy is a great option for those looking for things to do in Miami with kids. Their courses effectively teach children the essentials of food preparation, knife handling skills, baking, desserts, etiquette, and more. Easily enroll your children in affordable etiquette classes, Saturday classes, mommy and me classes, spa days, summer camp, and more.

The Real Food Academy also specializes in unforgettable birthday parties. Their cooking birthday parties for kids are extremely popular among families in the Miami Shores area. The menu includes turkey burger sliders, fettuccine alfredo, empanadas, angel hair pasta with marinara sauce, pizza on a stick, cookie pizza, strawberry shortcake, stuffed pasta shells, decorated cupcakes, whole wheat wraps, and more. Feel free to browse their website at to learn more about their great cooking classes.

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