google-site-verification: google42bfb6535dcc5df3.html • School holiday classes: Enroll your child in a children’s culinary academy to learn life skills and have fun

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Enroll your child in a children’s culinary academy to learn life skills and have fun

Healthy and nutritious foods play a critical role in the overall growth and development of kids. The problem, of course, is getting the kids in contact with nutritious food and steering them away from junk food. Enrolling kids in culinary classes is one of the best ways to provide kids effective exposure to nutritious foods. Children's culinary classes are also particularly useful in providing a very wide range of life skills, including food selection, food preparation and learning the basics of proper cooking.

The Real Food Academy in Miami is one of the best in the country.  They provide fun as well as their cooking classes for kids of all ages. This company has an exceptional range of courses, providing expert tuition and a very useful range of easily manageable course selections which can be fitted into any parental schedule, however busy.

(Please note that this company also has very strong credentials as a professional commercial chef service. They offer corporate services and private parties in addition to their children's culinary classes.)

Their kids cooking classes in Miami are ideal for bright, active, kids, full of fun activities and knowledge. Their highly experienced instructors are professional chefs. Courses range from basic cookery at the beginning through to meal preparation and presentation. The biggest thing that they do is help your child learn through a combination of a stress-free environment and fun instructors that are able to work with your kids to build their skills while not seeming overwhelming. When your child is ready to move up in their culinary prowess, they have a number of offerings that will help them expand their skills as well.

Foods include entrees, healthy snacks and desserts, among many others. Some of the cooking classes offered including:-
1.       Sunday brunch
2.       Summer camp
3.       Saturday classes
4.       Etiquette classes
5.       Cooking classes themes
6.       School holiday
7.       After school program
8.       Mommy and me
9.       Children’s field trip
10.   Themes packages 

Explore their special themes packages in particular as good examples of the versatility of their services. For more information about their services and culinary classes, see their website. Http:// If you're in the Miami area, you can also contact them by phone or online regarding enrolments for your child or any of their other services.

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